Your Trusty Browser Co-Pilot

Your AI-powered browser sidekick to navigate through complex web pages, sort through products, get product information, summarize articles, pdfs and more. The Co-Pilot uses advanced AI to understand the contents and uses generative AI to answer your questions in seconds.

Get information on products in seconds

The InSync Co-Pilot goes through entire web pages including embedded PDFs, so you can get all the information you need before you buy.

Detailed information on products in seconds

Summarize articles, reviews snd more

InSync’s Co-Pilot saves you time by summarizing long content articles, research, and more, so you can get the gist in seconds.

Designed for shoppers, students, programmers & more..

InSync’s Co-Pilot runs on all kinds of web pages from E-commerce to Education to Q&A websites like Stack Overflow and more.

Research @ the speed of thought

InSync’s Co-Pilot helps you speed up your research by going through research documents, PDFs, etc and helping you get to the key information faster.

InSync cares deeply about user safety and security and takes great care when handling your data. InSync does not retain or store any PII and all data is anonymized. Please do not share any personal information, including passwords, credit card or banking details. This plugin uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and there may be inaccuracies or unintended bias in any results provided. By continuing, you agree to Open AI's and InSync's Terms & Privacy Policy.

For any questions or feedback on Co-Pilot please contact us at

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